Friday, June 6, 2008

Kleenex box... for more than just runny noses

My child has a very short lived infatuation with most of the new toys that I buy her. I recently found a FREE 'toy' that my 10 month old has not grown bored of after several weeks. It's so dumb... I almost hate to post it. But, if it brings ONE child joy... it may do so for others.


Joining her love of pulling things out of their container and fascination with paper, I stuffed an empty kleenex box with random junk mail, magazine subscription cards, coupons, etc.


She never tires of pulling each paper out, looking at it, throwing it down, and diving in for the next one.
When I see that it has been emptied and discarded, I stuff them all in again and the fun starts all over the next time she sees it.


The best part is that it's completely renewable. When the pieces get like this: P5225454

I just throw them out and grab some new junk mail (arriving daily).

Here are some other household items that have cured toy boredom at our house a time or two. My kid couldn't even stay away from them long enough for me to take a decent photo.

.nesting mixing bowls -- make great drums and toy hiding places
.tupperware -- a classic toy in disguise
.plastic container -- lifting lids is a favorite pastime of my kid and good for building dexterity
.paper towel rolls -- great to look and talk to your baby through for a little fun
.kitchen utensils -- measuring cups, rubber scrapers, spatulas, etc.
.colorful cereal bowls -- make great stackers and when translucent, can open the door for some good lessons in object permanence

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